The Faith-Based Initiative

H.O.P.E. Pantry
The Pantry provides food assistance to those struggling to put food on the table through our HOPE Pantry. Our goal is to serve members of our community during the times of need. We are here to help those families in crisis with understanding and compassion. The Pantry is made possible through the hard work and dedication of our dedicated staff, volunteers, and the food donations from local vendors, distributors, and agencies.
In order to ensure the safety of our staff and clients, HOPE Pantry will provide no-contact curbside food distribution during the pandemic. This will take place during our normal pantry hours. We do ask that you please be patient and follow the instructions from our staff when waiting for your food. These measures help to protect everyone and prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Hours: Wednesdays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

The Closet
The Closet provides families in our community with gently used clothes, backpacks, and personal care items. We work greatly to help provide confidence in those we serve.
We also have a Traveling Closet that travels to schools. It serves those identified by the school principal, counselors, or school nurse, who are in need of clothes, shoes, socks, coats, and jackets. Our traveling closet runs from October-May of each school year.
Clothes donations are greatly appreciated, we accept gently used clothing, shoes, and coats. We do not accept stained, ripped or torn items of any kind. If you are interested in donating items for The Closet, please fold items and place in a dark trash bag or box, and label them letting us know the contents inside. Items can be dropped off at the office during regular business hours.